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30 November 2023

ImagineAlpha’s Global Market Trends for Nov 30th to Dec 15th is published.

We discuss the "big labor market shift" in the US, the Fed pivot and the key technical levels for major assets are all in the report from the EUR/USD to Crude oil to Copper and more...

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14 November 2023

US monetary policy outlook. Softer landing than expected for core CPI (and supercore) in October.

FED restrictive policy is validation that the "neutral" rate has not changed. Policy is working.

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9 October 2023

FED MonetaryPolicyReport updated

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9 October 2023

ECB slides updated

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5 October 2023

BOE outlook: hiking on Table Mountain?

The consensus forecast for UK inflation validates the Table Mountain scenario.

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5 October 2023

National Bank of Poland cuts 25bps to 5.75%

Anther 100bps of cuts are priced for the next year. The "neutral" rate in Poland is below 4%.

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31 July 2023

Banco Central de Chile cuts 100bps to 10.25%

The BCCh has made an important move with consequences for the global cycle and the outlook for copper.

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29 June 2023

Riksbank raises by 25bps to 3.75%

The Riksbank delivers the expected 25bps and keeps guidance. The SEK continues in downtrend.

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23 June 2023

Riksbank meeting preview

Will the Riksbank go the Norges way? the ECB way? or any other way? We have an idea. Please reach out for more...

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22 June 2023

BOE raises 50bps to 5.00% to regain credibility

BOE delivers 50bps in a "surprise" that could be coined "reverse guidance" judging from the Minutes.

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12 December 2023

US core cpi: core services ex housing go the way wages, sticky above 4%

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6 December 2023

EU Leading Economic Indicators outlook updated.

Our 24 months ahead model is leaving no room for a near term rebound in the European Union's economy. The lagged effects of the tightening of financial conditions are clustering in the first half of 2024.

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4 December 2023

German trade & World trade contract

Advanced economies have been leading the stagnation in world trade for the past 2 years. Developing economies trade is flat. Global trade clearly below trend.

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30 November 2023

ImagineAlpha’s Global Market Trends for Nov 30th to Dec 15th is published.

We discuss the "big labor market shift" in the US, the Fed pivot and the key technical levels for major assets are all in the report from the EUR/USD to Crude oil to Copper and more...

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29 November 2023

European Commission sentiment survey: weak consumer & industry, resisting services.

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29 November 2023

Sweden Q3 GDP and the long wait for the first cut by the Sverige Riksbank.

For the fourth time in 30 years the GDP contracted on an annualised basis. Read about ImagineAlpha's proxy neutral rate for Sweden.

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29 November 2023

Netherlands supply side confidence in contraction for the 4th month.

The track record of the Dutch Producer confidence has been (almost) perfect in calling monetary policy in the Euro Area for 25 years (and more).

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24 November 2023

The Global Macro mover of 2024: the steepening of the US 2s10s.

The 2s10s steepening will have major repercussions on asset allocations globally in 2024.

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24 November 2023

US unemployment duration on the rise in 3 key categories. An historical perspective.

From the 5-14week to the 15-26 week and the 27 weeks+, the cohorts have passed their respective alert lines all at once.

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24 November 2023

Germany Q3 GDP: weakness in times of cycle high real rates.

Following on France Business confidence yesterday, Germany's Q3 GDP is weak, historically associated with peak rate cycles.

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17 January 2024

Equities Volatility: Outlook for the VIX – Tactical horizon (5/20 Days).

Which trades first, 4,600 or 5,000? ImagineAlpha has the probabilities.

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17 January 2024

Equities: Outlook for Germany’s DAX March’24 future (GXH4) Tactical horizon.

The early year Tactical outlook is losing momentum. Volatility is on the rise.

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16 January 2024

Forex: Outlook for the CHF/USD (SFH4 contract).

The Swiss Franc is weakening in concert with the Euro amid a burst of Vix.

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16 January 2024

Equities: Outlook for Germany’s DAX Tactical & Strategic horizons.

The Strategic horizon has improved. A VAR shock at the Tactical horizon is becoming more likely.

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16 January 2024

Fixed Income: Outlook for Italy’s BTP in the Tactical horizon (IKH4).

ImagineAlpha takes a look at early 2024 risk appetite through the lenses of Italy's BTPs.

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14 January 2024

Equities Volatility: Outlook for the VIX (G4/H4) & the SP500 updated.

The risk rally since November has benefitted from benign volatility. What will happen to the VIX?

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13 January 2024

Equities: Outlook for Apple Inc (AAPL US).

AAPL could be staging a comeback. The updated outlook has a key level to watch.

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13 January 2024

Equities: Outlook for LVMH (MC FP).

Strategic & Tactical horizons updated offer key level for reversal.

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12 January 2024

Equities: Outlook for MSCI Europe Small Caps updated.

Tactical horizon (5/20 days) and Strategic horizon (3/12 months) provide great insights for alpha generation.

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11 January 2024

Fixed Income: Tactical outlook for US futures TU/FV/TY/WN updated.

Disappointing CPI with sticky core and supercore pointing to wages effect. Bonds outlook into Jan FOMC updated.

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Carlos Daurignac

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Carlos Daurignac

Carlos Daurignac has created ImagineAlpha’s innovative process to help traders, hedgers and investors identify signals and build alpha generating strategies as well as harnessing key aspects of risk management on global markets.

Carlos offers easy to use visual-based output for his proprietary models enabling fast and efficient interpretation of trends in global markets and of macro-economic fundamentals.

For more than 25 years, he has brought profitable solutions to numerous trading/investing environments, among which reputable hedge funds with more than $30 bn of AUM at the time.

phone: +44 7738 679 520

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